Buy Requirement for Brown Sugar

Buyer From Kenya

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 25000 Kilogram
Shipping Terms: Any term, nice if CIF

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Kenya looking to purchase 25,000 kilograms of Brown Sugar. We are inviting manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide their quotations for the supply of this product. Below are the detailed requirements:

Product Name: Brown Sugar
-    Quantity: 25,000 kilograms
-    Buyer Location: Kenya
-    Packing Terms: Please specify your packing options in the quotation.

Product Specifications:
-    High-quality Brown Sugar
-    Suitable for both industrial and retail use
-    Stable supply capability is required

Please submit your quotation and product details, along with any additional information that would assist in evaluating your offer. We look forward to receiving competitive quotes.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Kenya
Company Name:
Topfi xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Tes xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+254728 xxxxxx

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