Product Requirement for Flashlights

Buyer From Canada

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 2000 Pieces
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Canada seeking quotations from manufacturers and suppliers for flashlights. Please review the product requirement details below and provide your quotation based on our needs.

Product Requirement:
-    Product Name: Flashlights
-    Quantity Needed: 2000 pieces
-    Shipping Destination: Canada
-    Purpose: We require portable flashlights for business use.
-    Packaging Terms: Please provide details on available packaging options.
-    Additional Notes: We are interested in long-lasting, durable flashlights suitable for outdoor and emergency use.
We welcome all manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters capable of meeting these requirements to submit their quotations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Canada
Company Name:
Genes xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
JAMES xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+161352 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Product Requirement for Flashlights

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