RFQ - Street Solar Light

Buyer From Nigeria

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 40000 Units
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide a quotation for the following product requirement.

Product Details:
-    Product Name: Street Solar Light
-    Quantity Required: 40,000 Units
-    Buyer From: Nigeria

Packing Terms:
-    Please specify your packing terms and conditions.

-    We are interested in a large quantity supply contract.
-    Please send your product list for evaluation and potential order placement.
-    Ensure you can manage large quantity supplies.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Nigeria
Company Name:
James xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
James xxxxxxxx
Company Address:
plot xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+234091 xxxxxx

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