RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef

Buyer From Mali

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 10000 Tons
Packing Terms: 25 kg
Shipping Terms: Voie maritime

Requirement Details

We are a company based in Mali looking for manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can meet the following product needs:

Product Name:
-    Huile de tournesol (Sunflower Oil)
-    Corned Beef

Quantity Required:
-    10,000 Tons

Packing Requirements:
-    25 kg packaging for each product.

We are searching for partners who can provide quality agro-food products for our local market. Please send us your best quotations for these products.

Our Business Needs Include:
-    Competitive pricing for bulk purchases.
-    Adherence to packing specifications (25 kg).
-    Timely and consistent delivery.
-    Clear communication on product details and terms.

We welcome suppliers from all regions who can fulfill our purchase requirements and are interested in long-term collaboration.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Mali
Company Name:
Socie xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
ISMAE xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+223742 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef
  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef
  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef
  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef
  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef
  • RFQ - Huile de Tournesol and Corned Beef

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