RFQ for Navratri Garba Cotton Printed Lehenga Top Sets

Buyer From India

Product Category: Apparel & Fashion
Buy Quantity: 250 Sets
Packing Terms: Any
Shipping Terms: Any

Requirement Details

Product Name: Navratri Garba Cotton Printed Lehenga Top Sets
-    Buyer From: India
-    Quantity Required: 250 Sets
-    Packing Terms: Open to Any

We are seeking quotations from manufacturers and suppliers for Navratri Garba cotton printed lehenga top sets. Below are the specific requirements for this purchase:

-    Additional Products Considered: Saree lehenga, Chaniya Choli, Ghagra Choli sets, Lacha sets, Skirt with top sets, Printed Bandhani dresses sets
-    Intended Use: Export purposes
-    Order Quantity: 250 sets
-    Packing Terms: We are flexible with any standard packing terms offered by the supplier.

Interested suppliers, manufacturers, and exporters can contact us for further discussion. Kindly provide your quotation along with the terms of delivery, payment, and any additional information regarding the product specifications.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Madhu xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Sanga xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919820 xxxxxx

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