RFQ (Request for Quotation) - Cotton Silk Fancy Printed Sarees

Buyer From India

Product Category: Apparel & Fashion
Packing Terms: Any
Shipping Terms: Any

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase fancy printed cotton silk sarees from manufacturers and suppliers for export purposes. Below are the details of our requirements. Interested suppliers are requested to provide a quotation.

Product Details:
-    Product Name: Cotton Silk Fancy Printed Sarees
-    Quantity: 240 pieces
-    Packing Terms: Any suitable packing method

Additional Products of Interest:
-    Silk Sarees
-    Saree Shapewear
-    Saree Blouse
-    Saree Lehenga
-    Saree Gown
-    Nauvari Sarees
-    Buyer Country: India

We invite quotations for bulk orders and would prefer direct communication with manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters for further discussion on pricing and terms. Please ensure the product meets our quality expectations and is available for export.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Madhu xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Sanga xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919820 xxxxxx

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