Bio Magic Soap - Organic Skin Energizing Soap

Bio Magic Soap - Organic Skin Energizing Soap

USD 3 / Pieces
Place Of Origin Korea South
MOQ 5000 Pieces
Price USD 3 / Pieces
Category Health & Medical Personal Care

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Supplier Info :

Kittolife Limited

Korea South Seoul, Korea South

Year Established: 1992

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Bio Magic Soap - Organic Skin Energizing Soap

Bio Magic Soap-High-quality Organic Soap is a revolutionary skincare product created by Kittolife Limited. Crafted with precision and care, this soap hails from South Korea, known for its excellence in skincare innovations.

Our Bio Magic Soap is more than just a cleansing bar; it's a powerhouse of skin-enhancing elements. Packed with bio-minerals, it rejuvenates the skin by emitting an abundance of far-infrared rays, promoting skin vitality. This soap is specially formulated for individuals with sensitive and allergic skin conditions, even those with atopy.

Our secret blend includes 81 varieties of plant-fermented liquids, fish collagen peptides for skin elasticity, and bentonite for gentle exfoliation. Chitosan plays a crucial role in preventing skin troubles and removing fine dust particles, ensuring your skin remains healthy and radiant.

With ingredients like sodium stearate, sodium laurate, sodium myristate, sodium palmitate, stearic acid, lauric acid, glycerin, vial extract, seawater, betaine, and lavender oil, Bio Magic Soap provides a comprehensive skincare experience. It's a soap that not only cleanses but also revitalizes, helping your skin regain its natural glow.

Country of Origin: Korea South

Product Usages

Bio Magic Soap-High-quality Organic Soap is incredibly simple to use. Just lather it in your hands, apply to wet skin, and gently massage. Rinse thoroughly with water.

This soap is suitable for daily use and offers optimal results when used consistently. Say goodbye to skin troubles and hello to a healthier, more radiant complexion with every use.

Product Keywords: Organic skin energizing soap, Sensitive skin care soap, Far-infrared ray soap, Fish collagen peptide soap, Bentonite exfoliating soap, Chitosan skin treatment

Supplier Info :

Kittolife Limited

Seoul, Korea South

Year Established: 1992

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • Bio Magic Soap - Organic Skin Energizing Soap

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