Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures

Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures

USD 190 / Boxes
Place Of Origin United States
MOQ 50 Boxes
Price USD 190 / Boxes
Category Health & Medical Medical Supplies

Contact Covidien LF1212 supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :


Indonesia Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Year Established: 2019

Business Type:

  • Wholesaler
  • Exporter

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Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures

Covidien LF1212 is a versatile vessel sealer and divider designed for various surgical procedures. It features both hand and foot activation options, allowing for user flexibility. The instrument can effectively fuse vessels, including pulmonary vasculature up to 7 mm in size, lymphatics, and tissue bundles. Its quick sealing cycle of approximately 2 to 4 seconds enhances surgical efficiency.

This advanced surgical tool integrates with the ForceTriad™ energy platform and utilizes TissueFect™ sensing technology to ensure precise and consistent tissue effects. The 18.8 cm (7.4 inch) device is ideal for use in confined spaces with critical access and visibility. Its low-temperature profile provides safer sealing than other devices, making it a reliable choice for surgeons.

Procedural applications include ear, nose, and throat (ENT), general, plastic/reconstructive, urologic, and thoracic surgeries. The Covidien LF1212’s multifunctional capabilities help reduce the need for multiple instrument exchanges, streamlining surgical workflows and potentially reducing operation time.

As a trusted wholesaler and exporter, PT AJDI CITRA MANDIRI offers the Covidien LF1212 at competitive wholesale rates. This high-quality surgical tool is directly from Indonesia and is available for bulk purchase, ensuring that healthcare providers can access essential medical equipment.

Country of Origin: United States
Payment Terms: Bank TT

Product Specification

Model Number : LF1212

Product Usages

The Covidien LF1212 is used in various surgical procedures to seal and divide vessels, including pulmonary vasculature up to 7 mm in size, lymphatics, and tissue bundles. It operates with both hand and foot activation, ensuring flexibility in different surgical settings.

Its quick seal cycle and low temperature profile enhance operational efficiency and safety, making it ideal for ENT, general, plastic/reconstructive, urologic, and thoracic surgeries.

Product Keywords: Covidien LF1212 wholesale price, surgical equipment exporter, buy Covidien LF1212 in bulk, LF1212 vessel sealer supplier, Indonesia Covidien LF1212 exporter, cheap Covidien LF1212 for sale

Supplier Info :


Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Year Established: 2019

Business Type:

  • Wholesaler
  • Exporter

Product Images

  • Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures
  • Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures

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Covidien LF1212 Vessel Sealer for Surgical Procedures
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