Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy

Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy

USD 8500 / Units
Place Of Origin Indonesia
MOQ 1 Units
Price USD 8500 / Units
Category Machinery & Industrial Supplies Electronic Manufacturing Machinery

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Supplier Info :

Mora Calibration

Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Year Established: 2000

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler

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Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy

Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA is an exceptional calibration device for industrial applications. Manufactured by Mora Calibration in Indonesia, this product ensures high precision with an accuracy of better than 0.015% of reading, with an optional increase to 0.008%. It is available in both mineral oil and distilled water models to suit various calibration needs.

The device features dual piston models, allowing calibration over a wide pressure range, up to 20,000 psi (1,400 bar). Users can benefit from its built-in lever style hand pump, which is standard on all hydraulic models. This ensures easy and efficient operation. Additionally, the mounted spirit level and adjustable feet enhance stability during use.

Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA includes a high-quality screw press for fine pressure control, making it ideal for precise calibrations. The test station design, equipped with O-rings, eliminates the need for PTFE tape or wrenches, simplifying the setup process. An acrylic reservoir provides clear visibility of the fluid level and quality, while the improved case with spring-loaded latches ensures secure transport.

This product also comes with a built-in drain plug to facilitate the removal of old fluid. For convenience, the sturdy weight box with a hinged lid and side handles makes transportation easy. Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA is designed to meet the rigorous demands of industrial calibration with reliability and ease of use.

Country of Origin: Indonesia
Sample Policy:
Payment Terms: T/T , L/C , Credit Card, Paypal
Delivery Info: 7 Days

Product Usages

Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA is used for precise pressure calibration in industrial settings. It features dual piston models for a broad pressure range and includes a built-in hand pump for easy operation.

The device's adjustable feet and mounted spirit level ensure stability during calibration. Maintenance is straightforward with a built-in drain plug for fluid changes, making it an efficient and reliable choice for users.

Product Keywords: Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA calibration, industrial calibration device, high accuracy pressure calibration, dual piston calibration tool, hydraulic calibration models, precision calibration equipment

Supplier Info :

Mora Calibration

Jakarta, Indonesia

Year Established: 2000

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler

Product Images

  • Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy
  • Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy

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Fluke Pressurements P3223-MPA Calibration Device with High Accuracy
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