Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers

Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers

USD 0.05 / Pieces
Place Of Origin India
MOQ 5000 Pieces
Price USD 0.05 / Pieces
HS Code 48171000, 48103100
Category Paper, Printing & Packaging Packaging Materials

Contact Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Packintact - An NSH Innovations Venture

India Tamil Nadu, India

Year Established: 2023

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

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Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers

Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers, also known as Hexmailer, are the new frontier in sustainable packaging solutions brought to you by Packintact - An NSH Innovations Venture.

Constructed with a sturdy hexagonal honeycomb design, these mailers offer unparalleled shock absorption, ensuring your cargo arrives at its destination unscathed.

From safeguarding small electronics like smartphones and tablets to protecting delicate fashion items and valuable jewelry, these mailers are tailored to meet diverse shipping needs.

Designed to enhance the unboxing experience, these mailers serve as a blank canvas for your branding, allowing you to showcase your logo and message with pride. Their effortless self-sealing adhesive simplifies the packaging process, making it hassle-free for users.

Whether you're shipping legal documents, personalized gifts, or subscription boxes, our Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers are the eco-friendly choice for secure and stylish packaging solutions.

Country of Origin: India
Sample Policy:
Packaging Info: Will be packed in Corrugated Boxes
Delivery Info: 7-10 Days

Product Usages

1. E-commerce Shipping:
- Small Electronics: Ideal for shipping smartphones, tablets, and accessories, providing robust protection against shocks and impacts.
- Fashion Items: Perfect for sending clothing, accessories, and shoes, ensuring they arrive in pristine condition.
- Books and Media: Safeguard books, CDs, DVDs, and other media from damage during transit.

2. Retail Packaging:
- Cosmetics and Beauty Products: Protect fragile items like glass bottles, jars, and compacts from breaking.
- Jewelry: Offer secure packaging for delicate and valuable pieces, preventing scratches and damage.
- Handcrafted Goods: Ensure handmade items, such as candles and ceramics, are well-protected.

3. Document Mailing:
- Legal and Financial Documents: Provide secure and tamper-evident packaging for sensitive documents.
- Certificates and Diplomas: Protect important certificates, diplomas, and awards from bending and tearing.

4. Gift Packaging:
- Personalized Gifts: Enhance the unboxing experience with sustainable and aesthetically pleasing packaging.
- Subscription Boxes: Offer a reliable and eco-friendly option for monthly subscription services.

Product Keywords: Honeycomb Padded Mailers, Eco-Friendly Packaging, Wholesale Rate Manufacturer, Eco Packaging Alternatives, Protective Mailers Supplier, Hexmailer Exporter

Supplier Info :

Packintact - An NSH Innovations Venture

Tamil Nadu, India

Year Established: 2023

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

Product Images

  • Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers
  • Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers
  • Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers
  • Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers

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Hexmailer - Honeycomb Padded Paper Mailers
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