High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants

High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants

USD 154 / Piece
Place Of Origin China
MOQ 1 Piece
Price USD 154 / Piece
Category Electronics & Electrical Consumer Electronics

Contact Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7 supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Dongfang Yoyik Engnieering Co

China Sichuan, China

Year Established: 2004

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

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High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants

Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7 is a top-tier heating solution designed for thermal power plants. Manufactured by Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co, this heater is known for its high efficiency and robust construction. It ensures optimal performance in demanding industrial environments.

The ZJ-22-7 heater features advanced technology that guarantees reliable heating performance. With strict adherence to national standards, it offers enhanced durability and long service life. The heater is made from high-quality materials, ensuring it can withstand high temperatures and provide consistent heating.

This electric heater is suitable for various applications, including power station forging, mining metallurgy, and cement production. Its versatile design makes it an essential component for thermal power plant operations. The ZJ-22-7 is available for B2B orders, providing an excellent value proposition for bulk purchases and wholesale pricing.

As a leading supplier from China, Dongfang Yoyik Engineering Co offers competitive rates for the ZJ-22-7 heater. Customers can benefit from efficient order processing and prompt delivery. This product is an excellent investment for industries seeking reliable and cost-effective heating solutions.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:

#DF-Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7-DF
3 wire rtd WZPK-646
linear variable displacement transducer HL-3-250-15
sensor lvdt K151.36.06.03(1)
wire pt100 WZP2-190
displacement sensor 5000TD-3
RPM Sensor magnetic CS-1-D-120-05-01
LVDT Measurement 4000TDG
LVDT Position Sensors HL-6-300-15
thermocouple probe TE-213
pt100 rtd probe thermowell TE-213
temperature probe sensor WZPK2-16A
Tacho RPM sensor CS-1-G-100-05-00
Thermocouple Control WREK2-294
stainless steel tubular heater HY-GYQ-2.4-380/3
full form of lvdt TDZ-1E-41
hydraulic pressure switch RC861CZ097HYR220AC
inductive displacement sensor HL-3-20-15
Resistance Thermometers TE-209
lvdt 20mm sensor C9231123
rtd temperature sensor WZPM2
pt100 element WZPK-160 L=320mm
pt100 digital thermometer WZP-230 Pt100 M27×2
pt100 temperature controller WWZP2-001 φ6
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor 16000TDGN
rtd pt100 WZPK2-230
speed sensor CS-I-D-065-05-01
lvdt 0-300 A181.36.06G05
thermistor TE-107
lvdt transducer displacement TD-1-250
Electric heater JHG03-18B
industrial displacement sensor DET-25A
rpm sensor indicator H1512-001
displacement sensor sany 1000TDG
thermocouple k type TE-208
unit of thermal resistance WZP-401
220v 750w heater tubular heating element screw plu HY-GYY-1.2-415V/3
Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7

lvdt-sensor 5000TDGN
rpm sensor indicator CS-1 D-100-02-01
Platinum-Rhodium Wire WREX-001
LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors K151.36.06.002
lvdt probe 5000TD
sensor de rpm DF6101-005-065-01-03-00
lvdt-sensor B151.36.09G19
industry thermometer WSS-481 PT100
lvdt 20mm sensor LVDT-1000-3
lvdt transducer displacement TDZ-1E-41
Cable Type RTD Sensor WZPM-225 φ25mm
lvdt linear position sensor TDZ-1E-23
lvdt sensor TDZ-1-03
rotation sensor ZS-03-150-3000
thermal expansion indicator
linear displacement sensor 4000TDG-15-01
rpm speed meter HZQW-O3E
Magnetic Speed Sensors CS-1-065-02
Pressure Switch EYC-LW 0-1MPA>0.5MPA
Magnetic Sensors CS-1-G-100-06-00
speed sensor NE6103
flexible heating element HY-GYQ-2.4-380/3
non-contact displacement sensor TDZ-1G-01
Bimetallic thermometer WSS-481 φ6
3 Wire RTD Sensor WZRM2-001
lvdt displacement sensor LVDT-20-6
thermocouple digital TE-106
lvdt sensor ZD-4000TDB
sensor pt100 WZP2-441-B/A3(Pt100
angular displacement sensor ZD-1000TDA
sensor rpm CS-1 D-085-05-01
Gear tooth sensor CS-1-G-100-03-01
lvdt working principle 20000TDGN
lvdt linear position sensor TD-1-500
dc speed control sensor MP988
lvdt sensor DET-500A
Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7

Country of Origin: China

Product Usages

The Large bolt electric heater ZJ-22-7 is primarily used in thermal power plants for efficient and consistent heating. It is designed for easy installation and operation, ensuring minimal maintenance.

This heater is ideal for high-temperature applications in industrial settings, providing reliable performance and long service life.

Product Keywords: Large bolt electric heater price, ZJ-22-7 wholesale rate, electric heater supplier China, thermal power plant heater, industrial electric heater B2B, bulk electric heater purchase, heater for power plants, high-efficiency electric heater

Supplier Info :

Dongfang Yoyik Engnieering Co

Sichuan, China

Year Established: 2004

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants
  • High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants

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High-Efficiency Large Bolt Electric Heater ZJ-22-7 for Power Plants
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