Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector - Precision Detective Equipment

Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector - Precision Detective Equipment

USD 2700 / Units
Place Of Origin United States
MOQ 1 Units
Price USD 2700 / Units
Category Machinery & Industrial Supplies Metal Processing Machinery

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Supplier Info :

EIS Best Global Sales Inc

United States Arizona, United States

Year Established: 2008

Business Type:

  • Wholesaler

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Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector - Precision Detective Equipment

Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector is a cutting-edge detection device designed to accurately locate gold and other precious metals. Our product, manufactured by EIS BEST GLOBAL SALES INC, is a powerful tool for professional users in the mining and exploration industry. With its advanced technology and reliable performance, it has become a preferred choice for individuals and businesses searching for valuable minerals.

This metal detector is specifically engineered for gold detection, offering exceptional sensitivity and depth capabilities. Equipped with advanced features such as Multi-IQ simultaneous multi-frequency technology, it ensures accurate target identification and discrimination. The GPX 5000 provides reliable performance even in challenging terrains, allowing users to detect gold nuggets, flakes, and veins with preMinelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detectorcision.

Designed and manufactured in the United States, the Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector embodies superior craftsmanship and quality. Its sturdy construction and ergonomic design make it comfortable to use for extended periods, reducing user fatigue. The device is equipped with a user-friendly interface, featuring intuitive controls and a clear LCD display for easy operation and real-time target visualization.

As a wholesale supplier, we offer competitive pricing for the Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector, ensuring affordability without compromising on quality. Our company, EIS BEST GLOBAL SALES INC, takes pride in providing customers with genuine and authentic products, backed by a factory warranty. We are committed to offering excellent after-sales support and fast shipping services to ensure customer satisfaction.

Whether you are a mining professional, a treasure hunter, or an enthusiast looking to explore the world of metal detection, the Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector is the ideal choice for you. Experience the thrill of uncovering hidden treasures with this high-performance detection equipment.

Country of Origin: United States
Payment Terms: TT
Delivery Info: 3 days

Product Usages

The Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector is incredibly versatile and can be used for various purposes. It is specifically designed to detect gold and other precious metals, making it indispensable for mining operations, gold prospecting, and treasure hunting.

Whether you are searching for gold nuggets in rivers, exploring old mining sites, or scanning mineral-rich areas, this metal detector provides accurate and reliable results. Its usability is enhanced by its ergonomic design and user-friendly controls, ensuring effective and efficient operation in different environments.

Product Keywords: Metal Gold detector, minelab gpx 5000 gold metal detector, gold metal detector supplier, best gold detector for sale, professional gold metal detector, high-performance gold detector, advanced gold detection equipment

Supplier Info :

EIS Best Global Sales Inc

Arizona, United States

Year Established: 2008

Business Type:

  • Wholesaler

Product Images

  • Minelab GPX 5000 Gold Metal Detector - Precision Detective Equipment

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