Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design

Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design

USD 1.65 / Pieces
Place Of Origin China
MOQ 100 Pieces
Price USD 1.65 / Pieces
Category Home Appliances Home Appliance Accessories

Contact Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Cixi Shuangkai Lighter Co. Ltd.

China Zhejiang, China

Year Established: 1997

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

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Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design

Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007, manufactured by Cixi Shuangkai Lighter Co. Ltd., is a cutting-edge home appliance that boasts a stable 3cm constant flame.

Designed for optimal user experience, it offers a comfortable grip and ergonomic design. The long usage time, coupled with the ability to recycle the bottom inflatable, ensures a sustainable and reliable product.

With ISO certification, the storage quality remains unchanged for up to 5 years, setting it apart in the lighter industry's technological evolution.

The moxibustion big gun lighter redefines safety and stability in transportation, storage, and usage, surpassing traditional lighters with adjustable fire rings.

Country of Origin: China
Payment Terms: T/T

Product Usages

Effortlessly operate the Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 for a reliable flame whenever needed. The ergonomic design and stable 3cm flame make it ideal for various applications.

Simply fill the bottom inflatable for extended use. Maintenance is hassle-free, ensuring a seamless experience every time you use this innovative lighter.

Product Keywords: Big gun lighter, moxibustion big gun lighter, stable flame lighter, ergonomic design lighter, ISO certified lighter, long usage lighter, inflatable bottom lighter

Supplier Info :

Cixi Shuangkai Lighter Co. Ltd.

Zhejiang, China

Year Established: 1997

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design
  • Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design

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Moxibustion Big Gun Lighter SK-8007 - Stable Flame, Ergonomic Design
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