Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research

Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research

USD 1971 / Units
Place Of Origin China
MOQ 1 Units
Price USD 1971 / Units
Category Rubber & Plastic Products Plastic Products

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Supplier Info :

Nanjing Binzhenghong Instrument Co., Ltd

China Jiangsu, China

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

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Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research

PFA vial cleaning systems are crucial tools for laboratories and research facilities, designed to efficiently clean a large number of vials with high precision and safety.

The NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System, model BZH-R-PFA-QXT, offers exceptional cleaning quality, ensuring thorough removal of residues and contaminants such as low background for ICP-MS and isotope analysis.

1. High Efficiency: The NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System is designed to clean a large number of vials quickly and efficiently. This helps save time and resources, enabling laboratories to focus on more important tasks.

2. Excellent Cleaning Quality: The system ensures thorough and consistent cleaning of vials, removing even the toughest residues and contaminants. This ensures that vials are ready for use without any risk of cross-contamination.

3. Automated Operation: The NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System offers an automated process that reduces the need for manual handling. This saves time and minimizes the risk of human error and contamination.

4. Flexibility: The system can be customized to accommodate different sizes and types of vials, making it a versatile solution for various applications.

5. Safe Operation: Safety is a top priority in the NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System. It incorporates features such as enclosed cleaning chambers to minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals.

6. Eco-Friendly: The system uses efficient water and chemical consumption, minimizing waste and reducing the impact on the environment.

7. Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in the NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System may be higher than traditional manual cleaning methods, the long-term savings in terms of time, labor, and consumables make it a cost-effective solution.

8. Compliance with Standards: The NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System is designed to meet or exceed industry standards for cleanliness and contamination control, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

The NJbinglab Vial Cleaning System offers a comprehensive solution for efficient, safe, and cost-effective vial cleaning, making it an invaluable asset for laboratories and research facilities.

Country of Origin: China
Payment Terms: TT
Packaging Info: Carton
Delivery Info: Express delivery

Product Specification

Model Number : BZH-R-PFA-QXT
Color : translucent

Product Usages

Effortlessly clean vials using the automated NJbinglab PFA Vial Cleaning System. Simply load vials into the system, select your settings, and let it handle the rest.

Its design ensures thorough cleaning without the risk of cross-contamination, making it ideal for laboratories requiring high cleanliness standards.

Product Keywords: PFA vial cleaning system wholesale rate, laboratory vial cleaning equipment price, buy PFA vial cleaner, customizable vial cleaning machine, ICP-MS vial cleaner, plastic product supplier, vial cleaning system manufacturer, China vial cleaner supplier

Supplier Info :

Nanjing Binzhenghong Instrument Co., Ltd

Jiangsu, China

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research
  • Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research

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Efficient PFA Vial Cleaning System for Laboratories and Research
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