Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India

Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India

USD 11 / Foot
Place Of Origin India
MOQ 12 Foot
Price USD 11 / Foot
Category Textiles Leather & Jute Jute Products

Contact Sisal Carpet supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :


India Kerala, India

Year Established: 1990

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India

Sisal Carpet, a natural and beautiful flooring solution, is made from the tough fibers of the agave sisalana plant. This eco-friendly carpet offers exceptional durability, making it ideal for high-traffic areas in homes, offices, spas, and resorts.

Coir Goods, a leading manufacturer from Kerala, India, takes pride in providing high-quality sisal carpets at competitive wholesale rates. Our meticulous selection process ensures only the finest fibers are used, resulting in a strong and long-lasting carpet.

Sisal carpet boasts a variety of benefits. Its natural fibers are naturally stain-resistant and easy to maintain, requiring regular vacuuming. Additionally, sisal carpets offer excellent insulation properties, keeping your space comfortable year-round.

Country of Origin: India
Sample Policy:

Product Usages

Ideal for spas, homes, resorts, and offices, Sisal Carpets from COIR GOODS elevate any space with their natural appeal and durability. Easy to maintain and install, they enhance interiors while offering comfort and style.

Whether you're creating a tranquil spa environment or a welcoming office atmosphere, our Sisal Carpets provide a sustainable flooring solution that meets both aesthetic and practical needs.

Product Keywords: Wholesale Sisal Carpet price, buy Sisal Carpet bulk rate, Sisal Carpet manufacturer India, Sisal Carpet supplier, Sisal Carpet B2B price, Sisal Carpet wholesale supplier, Sisal Carpet exporter, Sisal Carpet trader

Supplier Info :


Kerala, India

Year Established: 1990

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India
  • Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India

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Quality Natural Sisal Carpet Supplier from India
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