Buy Requirement - Agro and Agriculture Products

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 50000 Units

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Agro & Agriculture
We are looking to purchase Agro & Agriculture products and invite manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters to provide quotations. Here are the details:
-    Product Name: Agro & Agriculture
-    Buyer Form: United States
-    Quantity Needed: 50,000 Units
-    Packing Terms: Please specify packing details and shipping terms.

Purchase Specifications:
-    Product Quality: We need high-quality products that meet industry standards.
-    Ordering Needs: We seek reliable suppliers who can handle large orders efficiently.

Please send your quotations with detailed product specifications, pricing, and delivery terms.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name:
Lw Ll xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Leo W xxxxxxxx
Company Address:
12735 xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+181394 xxxxxx

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