Buy Requirement - Agro & Agriculture Products

Buyer From Nigeria

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 12 Metric Ton

Requirement Details

Product Name: Agro & Agriculture Products
-    Buyer From: Nigeria
-    Quantity: 12 Metric Tons

Purchase Requirements:
-    Product: Agro & Agriculture
-    Country of Buyer: Nigeria
-    Quantity Needed: 12 Metric Tons
-    Packing Terms: Please provide details on packaging options and requirements.

RFQ Process:
-    Submit detailed quotations based on the above criteria.
-    Include all relevant documentation and certifications.
-    Contact us for any clarification or additional information.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Nigeria
Company Name:
Obis xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Ckn A xxxxxxxx
Company Address:
32b o xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+234803 xxxxxx

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