Buy Requirement - Agricultural and Industrial Machineries Equipment, Excavator

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 100 Units
Packing Terms: Perfect

Requirement Details

We are currently looking to purchase Agricultural and Industrial Machineries Equipment, specifically Excavators. We invite manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters to submit quotations for the following:

Product Name: Agricultural And Industrial Machineries Equipment, Excavator
Quantity Required: 100 Units
Packing Terms: Secure and suitable for long-distance transportation

Purchase Details:
  • Buyer Location: United States
  • Additional Products of Interest:
  • Forklift
  • Diesel Engines
  • Heavy Duty Tractors
  • Load International Shipping Containers
We look forward to receiving competitive quotations from reliable suppliers and manufacturers. Please submit your RFQ with complete details at your earliest convenience.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name:
Pmv L xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
DAVID xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+158525 xxxxxx

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