Buy Requirement - 3200mm x 160Ton CNC Press Brake

Buyer From India

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase the following machinery:

Product Requirement:
  • Product Name: 3200mm x 160Ton CNC Press brake
  • Country of Buyer: India
  • Industry: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
  • Quantity: 1 piece
Detailed Specifications:
  • Must be capable of bending mild steel up to 6mm thickness and stainless steel up to 4mm thickness.
  • Hydraulic system preferred.
  • We require pricing terms: FOB or CIF Indian Port.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Parma xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: PARMA xxxxxxxx
Company Address: Natio xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +917621 xxxxxx

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