Purchase Requirements for Foods, Agriculture, Production Machine

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 12000 Bags
Packing Terms: Boxes or Bags
Shipping Terms: CIF

Requirement Details

We are seeking quotations from Manufacturers, Suppliers, or Exporters for the following product requirements:

Product Name: Foods, Agriculture, Production Machine

Buyer Information:

  • Buyer Country: United States
  • Product or Business Line: Agro & Agriculture
  • Quantity: 12,000 Bags
  • Packing Terms: Boxes or Bags

Purchase Specifications:

  • The machine should be capable of handling food and agriculture production efficiently.
  • We require a reliable and durable machine suitable for industrial use.
  • The machine should meet safety standards and regulations applicable in the United States.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Gary xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Charl xxxxxxxx
Company Address: 9125 xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +120676 xxxxxx

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