Buy Requirement for German Printing Press

Buyer From Uganda

Product Category: Paper, Printing & Packaging

Requirement Details

In Uganda, we are seeking to procure a German Printing Press for our paper, printing, and packaging needs. Specifically, we require:

  • Product Name: German Printing Press
  • Buyer Country: Uganda
  • Product or Business Line: Paper, Printing & Packaging
  • Quantity: 1 Piece
  • Packing Terms: Standard packaging preferred
Purchase Specifications:
  • A large Offset Web printing press capable of handling a 40-page newspaper.
  • The press should be able to produce approximately 20,000 copies per hour to meet our production demands.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Uganda
Company Name: Kizit xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Edmon xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +256751 xxxxxx

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