Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety

Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety

USD 1050 / Metric Tons
Place Of Origin India
MOQ 25 Metric Tons
Price USD 1050 / Metric Tons
HS Code 10063020
Category Food & Beverage Rice & Wheat

Contact Indian Basmati Rice supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd

India West Bengal, India

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

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Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety

Indian Basmati Rice is renowned for its long grains, exquisite aroma, and distinct flavor. This premium variety, cultivated in the fertile fields of India, is perfect for a range of culinary applications. As a manufacturer and exporter, Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd takes pride in delivering top-quality basmati rice to global markets.

Creamy Sella Rice:
 Description: 1121 Creamy Sella Rice is a popular variety of basmati rice known for its long grains, exquisite aroma, and distinct taste.

-   Crop Year: Current Year
-   Average Length: 8.35mm
-   Moisture: 12% Max
-   Broken: 5% Max
-   Sortex: 100% Max
-   Purity: 94% Max
-   Damage and discoloration: 0.5% Max
-   White/Yellow Grain: Nill
-   Black Grain: Nill
-   Foreign Matter: Nill
-   Golden Sella Rice:
-   Description: 1121 Golden Sella Rice is known for its beautiful golden color, which sets it apart from traditional white basmati rice.

-   Crop Year: Current Year
-   Average Length: 8.3mm
-   Moisture: 12% Max
-   Broken: 1% Max
-   Sortex: 100% Max
-   Purity: 94% Max
-   Damage and discoloration: 0.5% Max
-   White/Yellow Grain: Nill
-   Black Grain: Nill
-   Foreign Matter: Nill

Steam Rice:
-   Description: 1121 Steam Sella Rice is basmati rice processed by steaming paddy before milling, preserving nutrients, flavor, and aroma.

-   Crop Year: Current Year
-   Average Length: 8.35mm
-   Moisture: 12% Max
-   Broken: 1% Max
-   Sortex: 100% Max
-   Purity: 94% Max
-   Damage and Discoloration: 0.5% Max
-   White/Yellow Grain: Nill
-   Black Grain: Nill
-   Foreign Matter: Nill

Choose Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd for premium Indian Basmati Rice and enjoy the benefits of a high-quality product that adds value to any meal. Contact us for pricing, customization options, and to place your order.

Country of Origin: India
Sample Policy:
Packaging Info: Our rice-filled bags are packaged in a semi-automatic manner. We typically pack in 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 35kg, and 50kg PP, JUTE, and nonwoven bags, as well as palletized and bulkheaded as per the client's demand. For some particular clientele
Delivery Info: Any Sea port in India

Product Specification

Color : Cream, Golden & White
Size : 8.3mm Long
Style : AD Dried
Grade : Premium Food grade
Moisture : 12% Max
Broken : 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 50% 100%
Damage and discoloration : 0.05% Max
Sortex : 100% Max
Black Grain : Nill
Purity : 99% Max

Product Usages

Basmati rice is a long-grain rice variety known for its distinctive aroma, flavor, and fluffy texture. It is widely used in various culinary traditions around the world. Here are some common uses of basmati rice:

Pilafs and Pulaos:
Basmati rice is often used in pilafs and pulaos, where the rice is cooked with a mixture of spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat. This method enhances the natural aroma and flavor of the rice​.

One of the most popular dishes made with Basmati rice is Biryani, a layered rice dish cooked with marinated meat (such as chicken, lamb, or beef), saffron, and various spices. The long grains of basmati rice are ideal for absorbing the rich flavors of the spices and meat​ (B2BMAP)​.

Side Dish for Curries:
Basmati rice is commonly served as a side dish for curries. Its light and fluffy texture makes it a perfect complement to the rich and often spicy sauces of Indian and Middle Eastern curries​ (B2BMAP)​.

Fried Rice:
Although traditionally made with other types of rice, fried rice can also be prepared using Basmati rice. The grains stay separate and do not clump together, making it an excellent choice for this dish.

Stuffed Vegetables:
Basmati rice can be used as a stuffing for vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes, or zucchini. The rice is typically mixed with herbs, spices, and sometimes minced meat before being stuffed into the vegetables and baked​ (B2BMAP)​.

Rice Salads:
Cold rice salads made with Basmati rice are refreshing and flavorful. The rice is cooked, cooled, and then mixed with vegetables, herbs, nuts, and a light dressing. This type of salad is popular in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines.

Sweet Dishes:
Basmati rice is used in various sweet dishes and desserts, such as rice pudding (Kheer), which is a traditional Indian dessert made with milk, sugar, and flavored with cardamom and nuts.

Everyday Plain Rice:
Due to its light and fluffy texture, basmati rice is also consumed as plain rice with minimal seasoning, serving as a base for various dishes or as a simple accompaniment to meals.

Product Keywords: Premium Indian Basmati Rice wholesale, Basmati Rice bulk supplier, Indian Basmati Rice B2B price, buy Basmati Rice wholesale rate, top Basmati Rice exporters, Indian Basmati Rice manufacturers, long-grain Basmati Rice supplier, aromatic Basmati Rice exporter

Supplier Info :

Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd

West Bengal, India

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

Product Images

  • Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety
  • Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety
  • Premium Indian Basmati Rice - Aromatic Long-Grain Variety
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