Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale

Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale

USD 1050 / Metric Tons
Place Of Origin India
MOQ 25 Metric Tons
Price USD 1050 / Metric Tons
HS Code 10063010
Category Food & Beverage Rice & Wheat

Contact Indian Non-Basmati Rice supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd

India West Bengal, India

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

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Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale

Indian Non-Basmati Rice is a staple in various culinary traditions, offering a wide range of grain types, flavors, and textures. Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd, a leading manufacturer and exporter, provides high-quality non-Basmati rice suitable for numerous applications.

Non-Basmati rice varieties such as IR64 and IR8 are well-known for their affordability and ease of cooking, making them perfect for everyday meals. These long-grain varieties cook quickly and are ideal for simple rice dishes. Sona Masoori, with its lightweight and aromatic qualities, is excellent for South Indian recipes like lemon rice and tamarind rice.

Swarna Parboiled Rice:
Swarna parboiled rice is a variety of rice that has undergone a special parboiling process before milling.
-    Crop Year: Current Year
-    Average Length: 5.25mm
-    Broken: 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 100% Max
-    Chalky-Nill
-    Color: Yellow/Light Yellow
-    Shape: Medium
-    Paddy: Nill
-    Weight: 17 grams In 1000 Grains

Ir-64 Long Grain Parboiled Rice:
IR-64 Long Grain Parboiled Rice is a specific variety of rice that undergoes a parboiling process before milling.
-    Crop Year: Current Year
-    Average Length: 6.3mm
-    Broken: 5%, 10%, Max
-    Chalky: Nill
-    Color: Yellow
-    Shape: Long
-    Paddy: Nill
-    Moisture: 14% Max 

Non-Basmati rice also has industrial uses. Broken rice, a byproduct of milling, serves as high-nutritional animal feed. The bran layer removed during milling is used to extract rice bran oil, valued for its health benefits in cooking and various industrial applications.

Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd offers Indian Non-Basmati Rice in bulk and wholesale rates, ensuring cost-effective solutions for B2B buyers.

Country of Origin: India
Packaging Info: Our rice-filled bags are packaged in a semi-automatic manner. We typically pack in 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 35kg, and 50kg PP, JUTE, and nonwoven bags, as well as palletized and bulkheaded as per the client's demand. For some particular clientele
Delivery Info: Any Sea port in India

Product Specification

Color : Yellow
Size : 6.3mm
Style : AD Dried
Grade : Premium Grade Food

Product Usages

Indian non-Basmati rice varieties are widely used across various culinary applications both in India and internationally due to their diverse grain types, flavors, and textures. Here are some of the common usages of non-Basmati rice:
Culinary Applications

Daily Meals:
Sona Masoori: Known for its lightweight and aromatic qualities, it is commonly used for everyday cooking in South Indian households. It is ideal for plain rice dishes and making traditional South Indian recipes like lemon rice and tamarind rice.
IR64 and IR8: These varieties are often used for everyday meals due to their affordability and ease of cooking. They are typically used for steaming and making simple rice dishes.

Idli and Dosa Batter:
Parboiled Rice: Non-Basmati varieties like parboiled rice are widely used in making idli and dosa batter. Parboiled rice helps in fermenting the batter properly, resulting in soft and fluffy idlis and crispy dosas.

Pulao and Fried Rice:
Jeerakasala and Ponni Rice: These short-grain varieties are often used for making flavorful pulaos and fried rice. They absorb flavors well and have a pleasing texture that complements these dishes.

Sweets and Desserts:
Gobindobhog Rice: This aromatic variety from West Bengal is used in making traditional Bengali sweets like Payesh (rice pudding). Its sticky texture and sweet aroma enhance the flavor of desserts.

Seeraga Samba: In Tamil Nadu, this small-grain rice is preferred for making biryanis, especially the famous Dindigul Biryani. It absorbs spices well and has a distinct flavor that complements biryani recipes.

Rice Flour:
Non-Basmati rice varieties are also ground into rice flour, which is used for making a variety of Indian snacks and sweets such as Murukku, Sev, and various types of Indian bread like Akki Rotti.
Industrial and Commercial Uses

Some non-Basmati rice varieties are used in the brewing industry to produce certain types of beers and liquors, particularly in Asia.

Animal Feed:
Broken rice, a byproduct of non-Basmati rice milling, is commonly used as animal feed due to its high nutritional value.

Rice Bran Oil:
The bran layer removed during the milling of non-Basmati rice is used to extract rice bran oil, which is valued for its health benefits and is used in cooking and industrial applications.

Product Keywords: Indian non-basmati rice wholesale, Indian parboiled rice supplier, buy Indian non-basmati rice, non-basmati rice for idli, non-basmati rice for dosa, wholesale non-basmati rice rates, Indian non-basmati rice exporter, bulk non-basmati rice purchase

Supplier Info :

Safe Agritrade Pvt Ltd

West Bengal, India

Year Established: 2013

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter

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  • Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale
  • Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale
  • Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale
  • Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale
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Indian Non-Basmati Parboiled Rice for Wholesale
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