One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height

One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height

USD 30 / Units
Place Of Origin India
MOQ 400 Units
Price USD 30 / Units
HS Code 69101000
Category Construction & Real Estate Bath & Toilet Appliances

Contact One Piece Toilet supplier for wholesale b2b price, customization or other inquiries

Supplier Info :

Shivam Ceramic

India Gujarat, India

Year Established: 2019

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height

A one-piece toilet is a bathroom fixture where the bowl and tank are fused into a single unit, instead of being bolted together as in a traditional two-piece toilet.

One-piece toilets are more compact, with a smaller tank than most other toilets, and are designed with comfort height guidelines in mind. They are typically 17 inches in bowl height, while two-piece toilets are taller and have a lower bowl height.

One Piece Toilets are a popular type of toilet for homes, especially for small bathrooms. Unlike two-piece toilets, one-piece toilets require less space and are designed with comfort height guidelines in mind. Typically, a one-piece toilet has a 17-inch bowl, whereas two-piece toilets are taller and have a lower bowl height.

Why Choose One Piece Closet/One-Piece Toilet? The One-Piece Toilet Seat is a classic English toilet seat that fits most standard toilet shapes. It is easy to clean and maintain and is perfect for office, home and public restrooms.

Country of Origin: India
Sample Policy:
Payment Terms: 30/70

Product Usages

Effortlessly install our One Piece Toilet for a streamlined bathroom experience. Its compact design and comfort height make it suitable for various settings, ensuring user satisfaction and convenience.

Maintenance is a breeze, thanks to its seamless construction. Simply enjoy the comfort and efficiency of our toilet without hassle.

Product Keywords: One Piece Toilet, Wholesale Supplier, B2B Price, Manufacturer India, Sanitaryware, Bathware

Supplier Info :

Shivam Ceramic

Gujarat, India

Year Established: 2019

Business Type:

  • Manufacturer

Product Images

  • One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height
  • One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height
  • One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height
  • One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height

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One Piece Toilet with Comfort Height
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